Imagens da página

'Romance, Lines to,' 27.
Romanelli, physician, 97, 854.
Rome, described, 131, 298. The
city of the soul,' and 'Niobe
of nations,' 136. Sackage of,
337 n. 501 n. See also, xxiv.
136 n. 499, 826.
Romilly, Sir Samuel, 595, 733,

Romulus, temple of, 164, 165.

Roncesvalles, 327, 726.

St. Peter's, at Rome, 136 n. 143,

144, 339, 826.

St. Sophia, at Constantinople, 93,
143. Not to be compared with
St. Paul's Cathedral, 662.
Sainte Palaye, M. de, 68.
Salamanca, 619.
Salamis, 197, 570, 644.
Salerno, 151.

Salisbury, Countess of, 68.
Salisbury Plain, 403, 825.

Rooms, large ones comfortless, 667. Sallust, 689.

Roque, Monsieur, 99.

Rosa Matilda, 61, 64.

Rosbach, battle of, 350.
Roscius, 24, 862.

Roscoe's 'Leo the Tenth,' 253 n.
Roscommon, 60.

Rose, William Stewart, esq., his
Sonnet to Constantinople,' 93 n.
His Essay on Whistlecraft,'
307 n. His Picture of a de-
cayed Venetian Nobleman,' 393.
His character of Pindemonte,
571 n.

Rose-glaciers, 119 n.

'Rose-water,' 837.

Salonica, 99.

Salvator Rosa, 748.
Salviati, Leonard, 155.
Samuel, the Prophet, 256.
Sandwich, Lord, 680 n.
Sanguinetto, river, 134, 163.
Santa Croce, 133, 156.
Santa Maura, 88 n.
Sanuto, extract from, 388.
Sapienza, 355, 358.
Sappho, 88, 598, 635.
Saracens, picture of, at Newstead,

3 n.

[ocr errors]

mion,' 51, 275n. His review of
'Childe Harold' in the Quar
terly,' 67 n. 797. His Vision
of Don Roderick,' 76 m. "The
Ariosto of the North,' xxii. 131.
His novels a new literature in
themselves,' 131 n. His Tales
of my Landlord,' 325. His 'Black
Dwarf,' 488. Dedication of
'Cain' to, 504, 506 n. His 'De-
monology,' 746 n. His opinion
of Don Juan,' 789. His' Bridal
of Triermain,' and 'Harold the
Dauntless,' 804. His dog Maida,
848 n. See also, xi. xxxii. 40 m.
51 n. 63, 67, 76, 172, 179, 720,
731, 736, 742 n. 765, 876 m.
Critical notes by, passim.
Scott, Mr., of Aberdeen, 835.
Scriptures, 506, 750.

Sculpture, 826. The most artificial
of the arts, 132 n. More poetical
than nature, 826.
Scutari, 218 n.
Sea-attorney, 637.

Saragoza, Maid of, 78, 570. Sieges Sea-coal fires, 749.
of, 78 n. 82.

Ross, Rev. Mr. (Lord Byron's tutor | Sardanapalus ; a Tragedy, 429.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Savage, Richard, 831.
Savary, 874 n.
Savoy, 241, 278.
Saxe, Count, 36 n.
Scalanovo, Port of, 230.
Scaligers, tomb of the, 571.
Scamander, 656.
Scandal, 600, 611.
Scanderbeg, 96.
Scepticism, 296.

Schaffhausen, fall of, 135 n.
Schiller, his 'Ghost-seer,' 15 n.
His 'Wallenstein,' 296 n. 594 n.
Schlegel, Frederick, his writings,

899 n.
Schlick, M., 392 n.

'School for Scandal,' 351 n.
Schroepfer, 778.

Schwartzenburg, Prince, 118 n.
Sciarro, Marco di, 304 n.

Sea-sickness, remedies for, 616,617.
Seale, Dr. John, his 'Greek Metres,'

Sea-walls between the Adriatic and

Venice, inscription on, 774 ■.
'Seasons,' Thomson's, would have
been better in rhyme, 173 n. 802.
Inferior to his 'Castle of Indo-
lence,' ib.

Sebastiani, 102.

Seduction, 35 n. 87 n.

Ségur, Count, his character of
Prince Potemkin, 694 n.

Seine, the river, 569.

Sejanus, 898.

Self-love, 682, 717.

Semiramis, 433, 668.

Seneca, 336 n.

'Sennacherib, Destruction of,' 259.
Senses, duty of not trusting the, 752.
Septimius Severus, 164. Arch of,

Seraglio, interior of, 684, 688.
Seraphin, of Periclea, 104.
Serassi, his 'Life of Tasso,' 154.
Servetus, 178.

Sesostris, 552, 567.

Sestos, 215. 'Lines after swim-
ming from,' 853.

Scimitars, Turkish, characters on, Settle, Elkanah, 799.


Scio, isle of, 101, 215.
Scipio Africanus, 499.
Scipios, tomb of the, 136, 159.
'Scorching and drenching,' 624 n.
Scorpion, 200, 201.
Scotland, 189, 720.
Scott, Sir Walter, his first acquaint-
ance with Lord Byron, xxi. His
tribute to his memory, xxii. 789.
His Lay of the Last Minstrel,'
51, 90, 736, 765 n. His 'Mar-

'Seven before Thebes,' 300 n.
Seven Towers, prison of the, 676.
Seville, 77, 79, 594, 631 m.
Seward, Anne, 801.
Sewell, Sir John, LL.D., 505 s.
Sforza, Francesco, 468 n.
Sforza, Ludovico, 279 n.
Sgricci, Signor, 157.
Shadwell, Sir Lancelot, 505 m.
Shadwell, Thomas, 173 n.
Shakspeare, 67 n., 289 m., 645,
758. His obligations to North's

'Plutarch,' 589 n. His infelici- Slavery, 662, 663; of the great, Southerne, dramatist, 828.

tous marriage, 637 n. Will have
his decline, 828 n.
Sharpe, Richard, esq., 505 n.
Shaving, miseries of, 754.
She-epistle described, 751.

She walks in Beauty,' 254.
Shee, Sir Martin (president of the
Royal Academy), his 'Rhymes on
Art,' 63.

Sheffield, 55, 60.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, esq., xvii.
xxviii. 396 n. 488 n. 768 n. 798,
902 n.


Sleep, 628, 630, 656, 686. Sir T.
Browne's encomium on, 651 n.
Sligo, Marquis of, his letter on
the origin of the 'Giaour,' 195 n.
Smedley, Rev. Mr., his Sketches
of Venetian History,' 357 n. 463
—465 n.

Smith, Rev. Sidney, 56. The re-

puted author of 'Peter Plymley's
Letters,' 57 n. 775 n. His 'twelve-
parson power,' 721 n. 'Peter
Pith,' 775.

Shelley, Mrs., 488 n. Her 'Fran- Smith, Mrs. Spencer, account of,
kenstein,' 818 n.
Shenstone, 801.



Sheridan, Right Hon. Richard
Brinsley, 58, 880 n. 898. Com-
pared with Colman, 58 n.
lines on Waltzing, 194 n.
eloquence, 733, 881. His Cri-
tic,' 792. His phoenix story,
829 n. 863 n. •
Monody on the
Death of,' 880. Defence of, 881.
His speech against Mr. Hastings,
881, 882 n. His conversation,
881 n.
'Whatever he did was
the best of its kind,' 882 n.
Sheridan, Thomas, esq., 58 n.
Sheridan, Mrs. Thomas, her 'Car-

well,' 58 n.

Ship of war, description of, 85, 86.
Shipwreck, description of a, 617-


'Shipwreck,' Falconer's, 824, 827.
Shooter's Hill, 725, 727.
Shreck horn, the, 119 n.
Sicily, xviii. 73 n. 150.
Siddons, Mrs., 58, 351 n. 862.
Sidney, Sir Philip, 161.
Siege of Corinth, 260.
Sienna, 161, 163.
Sierra Morena, 77.
Sigeum, Cape, 656, 825.
Silenus, 491.
Silesia, 556.
Simeon, Rev. Charles, 178.
Simon Magus, 165.
Simond, M., 404 n.
Simoom, 199, 653.

Simplon, the, 717.

Sinclair, Sir John, 629 n.

Sinecures, 775.

xviii. 852 n. See 'Florence.'
Smith, William, esq., his attack on
Mr. Southey in the House of
Commons, 397, 409, 798.
Smoking, 582.
Smollett, xxxii. 658, 678.
Smyrna, 818.

Smythe, Professor, 64 n.

So we'll go no more a roving,' 892.
Sobieski, 263.

Society, 664, 740, 741, 749, 750,
753, 759.

Socrates, 187, 491, 680, 690, 743,

Soignies, wood of (remnant of the

forest of Ardennes), 114.
Solano, governor of Cadiz, his trea-
chery, 82.

Solitary confinement, effects of,
281, 475.

Solitude, 86, 122, 130, 146, 475,
602, 667, 703.
Solitudes, social, 650.
Solomon, 690, 745.

Solyman, Sultan, 675.

Southey, Robert, esq., LL.D., his

person, manners, prose, and
poetry, 52 n. His 'Old Woman
of Berkeley,' 52. His 'Dactylics
and Sapphics,' 52 n. His 'Ma-
doc,' 52, 184, 800. His 'Thala-
ba,' 52, 800. His 'Joan of Arc,'
52, 173 n. 184, 800. His 'Don
Roderick' and 'Life of Nelson,'
53 n. His 'Curse of Kehama,' 183,
800. His 'Wat Tyler,' 395, 397,
798. His Inscription for Henry
Martin' the Regicide, 397. His
'Letter to Mr. William Smith,'
410, 798. His 'Pilgrimage to
Waterloo,' 615. His 'Pantiso-
cracy,' 645, 798, 799. Dedica-
tion of 'Don Juan' to, 589. See
also, 394-416, 613, 646, 719,
722, 731, 732, 795, 798, 800,
Southwell, xiv., theatricals at, 24 n.
Church of, 29 n.
Spagnoletto, 748.
Spain, xviii. 67, 82.
Spartan's epitaph, 128.
Speeches at Harrow, xiii. 12, 24 n.
Speeches in Parliament, Lord By-

ron's, 811, 813, 817.
Spence's Anecdotes (Malone's edi-
tion), 678 n.

Spencer, Dowager Lady, 880 n.
Spencer, Earl, 881 n.

Spencer, William, esq., 344 n.
Spenser, Edmund, his measure, 68,


Sphinx, the, 825.
Spinola, 338 n.

Spinosa, 825.

'Song-Do you know Doctor Nott,' Spoleto, 134 n. 163.


'Song for the Luddites,' 891.
'Song of Saul before his last battle,'


Songs of the Venetian gondoliers,
127, 148, 605.
Sonnets-on Chillon,' 278; 'to
Genevra,' 866; 'to Lake Le-
man,' 888; 'from Vittorelli,' 891;
'to George the Fourth, on the
repeal of Lord Edward Fitzge-
rald's forfeiture,' 896; 'to Sa-
muel Rogers, esq.,' 898.

Singing, 657. Merit of simplicity in, Sonnets, the most puling, petri-


Sinking fund, 777.

Sismondi, M., 226 n. 348.
Sistine Chapel, 340 n.

Sisyphus, 759.

Skeffington, Sir Lumley, 58.
'Sketch, a,' 877.

[blocks in formation]

Skull, Lines inscribed upon a cup Sotheby, William, esq., 62, 237 n.

formed from a,' 847.

Skull-cup, xvii. 847 n.
Slaughter, 117.

Slave market at Constantinople,

661, 662, 664.

313 n. 344, 613, 793, 804.
'Soul,' 757.

Soult, Marshal, xi. n.

South, Dr., his sermons, 631.
Southcote, Joanna, 401, 645, 734.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Staël, Madame de, tribute to her
memory, 156. Her 'de l'Alle-
magne,' 212 n. Her Corinne'
quoted, 611. See also 644, 797,
876 n., 888 n.
Stamboul (Constantinople), 93, 99.
Stanhope, Hon. Col. Leicester,
xxix. xxxi. 188 n. 905 n.
Stanzas :- to a lady with the
poems of Camoens,' 8; 'to Inez,'
81; Tambourgi! Tambourgi!
thy larum afar,' 92; to a lady
on leaving England,' 850; 'to
Florence,' 852; "composed during
a thunder-storm,' ib.; ‘written on
passing the Ambracian Gulf,' 853;
'Away, away, ye notes of woe,'
859; 'One struggle more, and I
am free,' ib.; And thou art
dead,' etc., 860; 'If sometimes
in the haunts of men,' 861;
"Thou art not false, but thou art
fickle,' 864; 'on being asked
what was the origin of love,' 865.
Remember him,' etc., ib.; '1


speak not, I trace not,' 870,
'There be none of Beauty's
daughters,' 872; 'Elegiac, on
the death of Sir Peter Parker,' ib.;
'There's not a joy the world can
give,' 873; on the Star of the
Legion of Honour,' 875;
Augusta, 878, 879; 'to her who
can best understand them,' 887;
'to the Po,' 895; Could love
for ever,' 896; written when
about to join the Italian Carbo-
nari,' 901; written on the road
between Florence and Pisa,' 902;
'on completing my thirty-sixth
year,' 904; 'to a Hindoo air,' ib.;
'I heard thy fate without a tear,'

Statesmen, 775.

Statius, 99.

Statues, 627.

Staubach, the, 135 n.

Steam-engines, 718.

Steele, Sir Richard, 605 n.

Stella, Swift's, 834.

Steno, Michel, 349, 389.

Suspicion, 120.

[ocr errors]

The Conquest,' 904.

The Destruction of Sennacherib,”

Suwarrow, Field Marshal, 691,694.
His 'polar melody' on the cap-
ture of Ismail, 710. His charac-The Devil's Drive,' 867.
ter, ib. Brevity of his style, 716. 'The First Kiss of Love,' 8.
Swift, Dr. Jonathan, xxxii., 179, 'The harp the monarch minstrel'
690. His recipe for an epic, swept,' 254.
612 n. His Stella and Vanessa,

Swimming, xiv. n. 147, 466, 626,

854 n.

The Isles of Greece, the Isles of
Greece,' 644.

'The spell is broke, the charm is
flown!' 853.

[ocr errors]

Swoon, the sensation described, 626.
Sydney, Algernon, 349 n.
Sylla, 136, 312 n. 703, 869 n.
Sympathy, 631, 755.
Symplegades, 146, 573, 662, 825. Thebes, xviii. 94, 99, 103.
Syracuse, 128.
Thelusson, Mr., 395 n.

The Wild Gazelle,' 255.
'The world is a bundle of hay,' 897.
Theatrical representations, the first,
177 n.

Switzerland and the Swiss, 119-Themistocles, tomb of, 196. Lines

122, 287 n.


Tacitus, 114 n. 814.

'Tact,' 610.

Tagus, the rive, 72.
Tahiri, Dervish, 97.

Sterne, 282 n. His affected sensi- Talavera, 76.

bility, 877 n.

Stevenson, Sir John, 873 n.

Stillingfleet, 342.

Stoddart, Sir John, LL.D., 780.
Stoics, 664.

Stonehenge, 729, 825.

'Tale of a Tub,' the, xxxii.
'Tales of my Landlord,' 325.
Talleyrand, Charles Maurice, Prince
de, 574 n.

'Tambourgi, Tambourgi, thy larum
afar,' 92.

Storm, 122, 620 n. Aspect of one Tamerlane, 579, 870n.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Tasso, 130, 131, 148, 154, 301--|
304, 338, 801. Lament of, 301. Thomson, 224. His Seasons'
Tassoni, 799 n.
Tattersall, Rev. John Cecil (Lord
Byron's school acquaintance), xiii.

33 n.

Tavell, Rev. G. F. (Lord Byron's
college tutor), 176.
Taxation, 637.

Tea, prophetic powers of, 653.
'Tear, The,' 25.
Tears, 673, 719.

Telemachus, the monk, 168.

Suliotes, their hospitality and brave- Tell, William, 288.

ry, 91, 92.

Sulpicius, Servius, his letter to Ci-
cero on the death of his daughter,
131 n.

'Sun of the Sleepless,' 258.

Sunday blood, a, 841.

Sunday schools, 616.

Sunium, 645, 766.

Sunrise, 456, 629.
Sunset, 129, 633, 650.
Superstition, 88, 768.
Superstitious: the second sight,
182 n.; the evil eye, 202; the
vampire, 204; the second hearing,
207; amulets, 216; ghosts, 768
-772, 778; baushies, 772 n.
Suspense, 760.

Tempe, 89.
Temple Bar, 816.

Temple, Sir William, 841.
Tenedos, 825.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

would have been better in rhyme,

Thornton, Thomas, esq., character
of his State of the Ottoman
Empire,' 100, 101.
'Thou are not false, but thou art
fickle,' 864.

Though the day of my destiny's
over!' 879.

Thoughts suggested by a College
Examination,' 22.

Thrasimene, lake of, 133, 134.
Battle of, 162.
Thrasybulus, 381.

Throgmorton, Mrs., 829.

'Through cloudless skies, in silvery
sheen,' 853.

'Through life's dull road, so din

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Timour, 710, 870, 493.

Tiraboschi, 155, 159.

Tiresias, 758.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

‘Épwres imip,' 21; from the Arme Unwin, Mrs., 829.
nian,' 819; of the Greek War-Urban, Pope, 153.
song, 'Acúre maids,' 854; of the Urbino, duke of, 161.
Romaic song, Èzziv pis,' etc. | Ursula, St., 724.
855; of a Romaic love song, Ustica, 169.
864; from the Portuguese, Tu Usurers, 622.
mi chamas,' 867; of the 'Ro- Utraikey, 92.
mance muy doloroso del Sitio y Utrecht, 350.
Toma de Alhama,' 889; from
Vittorelli, 'Di due vaghe don-
zelle,' 891; of Francesca da
Rimini,' 899.

'Trecentisti,' the, 344.

Tree of knowledge, 420, 509, 605.
Tree of life, 509, 510.

"T is done and shivering in the Trelawney, Mr., xxviii., 462 n.
gale,' 850.

Trenck, Baron, 475 n.

'Tis time this heart should be un- Treviso, 348, 356.

moved,' 904.

Tita, Lord Byron's Italian servant,


Titans, 714.

Tithes, 774.


Vacancy, 127.
Vacca, Dr., 126.
Vaccination, 606.

Valentia, Lord (now Earl of Mount-
norris), 65 n.

Valenza, cardinal of, 252 n.
Valière, Madame la, 834.

Trévoux, Journal of, 344. Dic- Valour, the grave of, 583.

tionnaire de, 612 n.

Trieste, 464 n.

Trimmer, Mrs., 595.

Titian, his portrait of Ariosto, Tripoli, 637.
308 n.

Tittle-tattle, 738.

Trinity College, Cambridge, 15 n.

Tripolitza, 99, 260 n.

Triptolemus, 573.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Troy, 645, 656. Authenticity of Vaucluse, 160.
the tale of, 65 2. 656, 659.
Truth, stranger than fiction, 760,

[blocks in formation]

Tu mi chamas,' translated, 867.
Tunis, 637.

Tombs, folly of erecting large ones, Turin, 156, 278 n.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

'Windsor Poetics.'
Vauxhall, 312.
Velino, 134, 135 n.
Velitræ, 156.

Velluti, account of, 657 n.
Vely Pacha, 102, 103.
Venality, 664.

Venetian dialect, xxiv. 311.
Venetian fazzioli, xxv. 311 n. 616.
Venetian noble, sketched by Gritti,
386 n.

Vengeance, 232, 354.
Venice, the gondolas of, 127, 128,
148, 309. St. Mark's, 128, 150,
357, 358, 385. Lion and Horses
at, 128, 149. Rialto, 127, 309.
Bridge of Sighs and State Dun-
geons, 127, 147, 358 n. Piaz-
zetta, 150, 307. Carnival, 305,
307. Manfrini Palace, 308. Ri-
dotto, 312. Women, 311, 315.
Morals and manners in, 149,
305, 308, 309, 315, 386 n. 392.
Present state of, 386 n. Prophecy
respecting, 387 n. Account of the
ancient Nobility, 393. 'Ode on,'
894. See also, xxiii. xxiv. 127,
128, 152, 305, 358n., 795, 826.
Ventote, George, 105.
Venus, 632, 776.
Venus of Medicis, '132 n.,
308 n., 654, 826.
Venusia, 169.

Venuti, Abate, 166 n., 167.
Vernet, 748.


Vernon, General, 592.
Verona, xxiii. Amphitheatre of,
Juliet's tomb at, Tombs of the
Scaligers, and Claudian's old man
of, 571, 571 n. Congress at,
Verres, 96.

Versatility, 777.

Walton, Izaak, ‘a quaint old cruel
coxcomb,'751. Defence of, 751n.
Waltz, The; an Apostrophic Hymn,


Waltzing, 732. Sheridan's lines
on, 194 n.

'Wanderings of Cain,' Coleridge's,

'Verses found in a Summer House Wapping, 582, 824.

at Hales-Owen,' 863.

Verses: 'Remember thee!' 864.
'Versicles,' 892.

War, 694, 698, 709, 711, 716.
Warburton, Bishop, 680 n.
Warriors, 659.

Vespasian, the emperor, 165, 169. Warsaw, 722.
Vesta, temple of, 189 n.

Vesuvius, 569, 699.
Vevay, 120 n., 121 n.
'Vicar of Wakefield,' 773n.

Vice, 79, 661.

Vice, suppression of, 59.
Vicenzo, Damodos, 105.
Vico-Varo, town of, 169.

Victor, St., priory of, near Geneva,
278 n.

Victory, 113, 707.
Vienna, 102.

Villeneuve, 280 n. 282 n.
Vincent, Rev. Dr., 175 n.
Vineyards, the best, 749.
Vintage, 605.


Virgil, 598. Epitaph on,' 5.
Virgin Mary, portraits of, 630,646.
Virtues, the, 661.
Visconti, 126, 167 n.
"Vision of Belshazzar,' 257.
Vision of Judgment, 394.
Vitellius, 898.

'Vittorelli, sonetto di,' 891.
Voice, fascination of a sweet, 630,

Voltaire, his character by Lord
Byron, 124. His history of
Charles XII. quoted, 316. His
character by Dr. Narton, 678.
And by Lord Holland, ib. His
'Vous pleurez,' ib. His defence
of the Calas family, ib.
Vopiscus, 168 n.
Vossius, 166.

Vulgarity of style, 841.


Wahabees, the, 93.
Walcheren, 816.

Walcot, Dr. (Peter Pindar), 407 n.
Walker, lexicographer, 312.
Wallenstein, 542, 566.
Walpole, Horace, Lord, xxxii. His
talents underrated, 351. His
incomparable Letters,' ib.
'Castle of Otranto' and 'Myste-
rious Mother,' ib.


Warton, Dr. Thomas, his character
of Crashaw, 643 n. His character
of Voltaire, 678.
Warwick, Earl of, 823 n.
Washington, George, 137, 406,
569, 571, 698, 712, 870.
'Wat Tyler,' Southey's, 397, 410.
411, 798, 800.
Watch-dog, 605.

Waterloo, xxiii. 113, 114, 115,
118, 569, 572, 702, 711, 873.
'Ode on,' 873.
Watkins, Dr. John, his Remarks
on 'Don Juan,' 785.
Watson, Bishop, his reply to the
moderator in the schools of Cam-
bridge, 506.

Watts, Alaric A., esq., 780.
Way, William, esq., 59.n.
Weber (a German hack writer),

173 n..

'Weep, daughter of a royal line,'


Weight of human ashes, 868 n.
Weimar, 349 n. 542.

'Well, thou art happy, and I feel,'

When coldness wraps,' etc., 257.
When from the heart,' etc., 866.
'When I roved, a young Highlander,'


When man, expell'd from Eden's
bowers,' 848.

'When Thurlow this damn'd non-
sense sent,' 865.
'When Time, or soon or late, shall
bring,' 860.

"When to their airy hall,' 4.
'When we two parted,' 846.
Whetter, statue of the, 156.
Whigs, 733.
Whiskers, 193.
Whist, 645.

'Whistlecraft,' 305-307 n. 325,
788. The humour of, not wit,

Whitbread, Samuel, esq., 407 n.
733, 863 n. 'The Demosthenes
of bad taste,' 572 n.
White, Henry Kirke, esq., 61,
63 n.

White, Lydia, 346.
White, Rev. Blanco, 80 n.
"Who kill'd John Keats?' 902.
Why, how now, saucy Tom?'


Widdin, 663.
Wieland, 62 n.
Wilberforce, William, esq., 661,

736. The Washington of Afri-
ca,' 758.
Wildman, Colonel, the present pro-
prietor of Newstead, 844 m.,
847 n.

Wilkes, John, esq., 404, 405,

Wilkie, David, 78 n.
William the Conqueror, 721.

Wellesley, Marquis, 192.
Wellesley, Sir Arthur, 74 n. 82 n. William III., 9 n.
See Wellington.

Wellesley, Hon. William Long Pole,
Wellington, Duke of, xxiii. 76 n.
192 n., 572,702, 711, 734, 736,
739 n.
Welsted, 829.

Wengen Alps, 119 n.
'Were my bosom as false,' 258.
Werner; or, The Inheritance; a
Tragedy, 532.

Werther, effects of Goethe's, 349 n.

Mad. de Staël's character of, ib.
Wesley, Rev. John, 690.
West, Benjamin, esq., 'Europe's
worst dauber,' 189.
West, Mr. (American artist), his
conversations with Lord Byron,

Westminster Abbey, 728, 827.
Walpole, Sir Robert, 177. His po- Wetterhorn, 287 n.
litical axiom, 664. His conver-What matter the pangs,' 903.
"When a man hath no freedom to

sation at table, 834.

Walsh, Rev. Dr. R., his account
of Ali Pacha's assassination,

91 n.

fight for at home,' 901.

Williams, Mrs., fortune-teller, ber
prediction concerning Lord By-
ron, xii.
Williams, H. W., esq., his 'Tra-
vels in Greece,' 79 n., 134 N.,
135 n., 854 n., 855 n.
Willis, Dr., anecdote of, 178.
Will o' the wisp, 695.
Wilson, Professor, 590 n. 804. His
minor poems, 651 n. His 'City
of the Plague,' 351, 804. Cri-
tical notes by, passim.
Windham, Right Hon. William,
168 n.

[ocr errors]

Windsor Poetics,' 868.
Wine, 632, 633, 650.
Wingfield, Hon. John, xiii. xviii.
33 n. 83 n.

Winkelmann, 164, 165, 654 n.
Wisdom, 116, 151, 685.

Witch of Endor, 256, 257 n. 291 я.
"Without a stone to mark,' etc.,
Wives, 638.

When all around grew drear and Wolfe, General, 592.
dark,' 878.

Wollstoncraft, Mary, 798.

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