Abbildungen der Seite

The President of the Senate, in the presence of the joint convention of the two Houses, then proceeded to open and publish the returns for Governor, LieutenantGovernor, Secretary of State and Treasurer of State.

The President of the Senate then made the following announcement:

Having opened and published, in the presence of a majority of the members of each House of the General Assembl, the returns of the election held in the State of Ohio on the second Tuesday of October, 1861, for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State and Treasurer of State, I now, in the same presence, declare the result, as follows:

That for Governor of the State of Ohio, David Tod had 206,997 votes; that Hugh J. Jewett had 151,774 votes; and that there were scattering 109 votes.

David Tod, having the highest number of votes for the office of Governor of the State of Ohio, is duly elected to that ffice for the term of two years, commencing on the second Monday of January, 1862.

That for Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Ohio, Benjamin Stanton had 206,995 votes; that John G. Marshall had 151,978 votes; and that there were scattering 341 votes.

Benjamin Stanton, having the highest number of votes for the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Ohio, is duly elected to that office for the term of two years, commencing on the second Monday of January, 1862

That for Secretary of State, Benjamin R. Cowen had 207,352 votes; that William W. Armstrong had 151,912 votes; and that there were scattering 181 votes. Benjamin R Cowen, having the highest number of votes for S-cretary of State of the State of Ohio, is duly elected to that office for the term of two years, commencing on the second Monday of January, 1862.

That for Treasurer of the State of Ohio, G. Volney Dorsey had 207,437 votes ; that George W. Holmes had 151,548 votes; and that there were scattering 187


G. Volney Dorsey, having the highest number of votes for the office of Treasurer of the State of Ohio, is duly elected to that office for the term of two years, commencing on the second Monday of January, 1862.

On motion, the Senators then repaired to their Chamber.

The President of the Senate announced the following as the standing commitees : Agriculture-Messrs. Ready, Bierce, Perrill, McBurney, McLung, Marshall,


Claims-Messrs. Eggleston. McVeigh, Sprague, Kenny, Hood.

Common Schools and School Lands-Messrs. Monroe, Sherrard, Robison, Finck, Gardner.

Currency-Messrs. Hitchcock. Eggleston, Robison, Sionet, Johnston.

Corporations other than Municipal-Messrs. Bierce, Kenny, Groesbeck, Lang, Welsh

Enrollment-Messrs Godfrey, O'Connor, Miles.

Federal Relations-Messrs. Gunckel, Groesbeck, Lang, Sherrard, Ready, Neal, McBurney.

Finance-Messis. Mason, Robison, Ready. Perrill, Harsh, Hood, Whetstone. Judiciary-Messrs. Groesbeck, Ready, Gunckel, Finck, Sherrard, Johnston,


Library-Messrs Quinby, Roby, Coates, Gunckel, Hitchcock.

Manufactures and Commerce-Messrs. McBurney, Eggleston McVeigh, Lang, Signet.

Militia-Messrs. Sinnet, Miles, Kenny, Marshall, Bierce, McVeigh, Finck.
Municipal Corporations-Messrs Robison, Whetstone, Kenny, Johnston, Neal.
Benevolent Institutions-Messrs. Miles. Coates, Roby, O'Connor, Godfrey.
New Counties-Messrs. McBurney, Quinby, Kelly.

Penitentiary-Messrs. Sprague, Perrill, Sherrard, Harsh, Hood.
Public Printing-Messrs. Neal, Whetstone, Lang.

Public Works-Messrs. Harsh, Finck, Sprague, Marshall, Godfrey, McVeigh, McLung.

Railroads-Messrs. Sherrard, Marshall, Sprague, Johnston, Kelly.
Retrenchment-Messrs. Welsh, Hitchcock, Lang, Bierce, Kenny.

Roads and Highways-Messrs. Welsh, Kelly, Gardner, Perrill, O'Connor.

State Buildings-Messrs. Gardner, Hitchcock, Eggleston, Johnston, McBurney. Universities, Academies and Colleges-Messrs. Whetstone, Gunckel, Coates, Finck, Neal.

Privileges and Elections-Messrs. McLung, Lang, Gardner.

Medical Colleges and Societies- Messrs. Roby, Coates, Godfrey, Robison, O'Connor.

Salaries and Fees-Messrs. Sinnet, Welsh, Robison, Perrill, Whetstone.

Evils resulting from the sale of Intoxicating Liquors-Messrs Quinby, Miles, Monroe, Hood, Johhston.

Reform School and State Asylum for Idiots-Messrs. Monroe, McVeigh, McLung. On motion of Mr. Sprague,

The Senate took a recess.


The following gentlemen were appointed a committee under the resolution of Mr. Bierce, relative to retrenchment, viz: Messrs. Bierce, Johnston and Sinnet. Mr. Robison offered for adoption the following joint resolution :

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That a committee consisting of three on the part of the Senate and on the part of the House be appointed to wait upon the Hon. David Tod, and inform him of his election to the office of Governor of the State of Ohio.

The question being on agreeing to the resolution,

The yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted-yeas 24, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Coates, Finck, Godfrey, Groesbeck, Harsh, Johnston, Kelly, Lang, Marshall, Miles, Monroe, McClung, McVeigh, Neal, O'Connor, Perrill, Quinby, Ready, Roby, Robison, Sherrard, Sinnet, Sprague and Welsh—24.

So the resolution was agreed to.

Messrs. Robison, Monroe and Perrill were appointed said committee.

Mr. Sprague offered for adoption the following joint resolution:

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Ohio, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate and on the part of the House be appointed to wait upon the Hon. Berj Stanton, Lieutenant-Governor elect, and inform him of his election.

The question being on the adoption of the resolution,


yeas and nays were ordered and resulted-yeas 26, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Bierce, Coates, Finck, Godfrey, Groesbeck, Harsh, Johnston, Kelly, Kenny, Lang, Marshall, Miles, Monroe, McLung, McVeigh, Neal, O'Connor, Perrill, Quinby, Ready, Roby, Robison, Sherrard, Sinuet, Sprague and Welsh-26.

So the resolution was agreed to, and Messrs. Sprague, Groesbeck and Finck were appointed said committee.

Mr. McVeigh offered for adoption the following resolution:

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That a committee consist

ing of three on the part of the Senate and

on the part of the House be ap

pointed to wait upon the Hon. G. Volney Dorsey, and inform him of his election to the office of Treasurer of the State of Ohio.

The question being on the adoption of the resolution,

The yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted-yeas 28, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Bierce, Coates, Finck, Gardner, Godfrey, Groesbeck, Harsh, Hitchcock, Johnston, Kelly, Kenny, Lang, Marshall, Miles, Monroe, McLung, McVeigh, Neal, O'Connor, Perrill, Quinby, Ready, Roby, Robison, Sherrard, Sinnet, Sprague and Welsh-28.

So the resolution was agreed to, and Messrs. McVeigh, Kenny and Welsh appointed said committee.

Mr. Sherrard offered for adoption the following resolution:

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate and on the part of the House be appointed to wait upon the Hon. B. R. Cowen, and inform him of his election to the office of Secretary of State.

The question being on agreeing to the resolution,

The yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted-yeas 25, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Bierce, Coates, Finck, Groesbeck, Harsh, Johnston, Kelly, Kenny, Lang, Marshall, Miles, Monroe, McLung, McVeigh, Neal, O'Connor, Perrill, Quinby, Ready, Roby, Sherrard, Sinnet, Sprague, Welsh and Whetstone-25.

So the resolution was agreed to, and Messrs. Sherrard, Coates and McLung appointed said committee.

Mr. Harsh offered for adoption the following joint resolution :

Resolved, That a committee consisting of three on the part of the Senate and on the part of the House be appointed to wait upon Hon. Joseph R. Riley, and inform him of his election to the office of Comptroller of the Treasury. The question being on the adoption of the resolution,

The yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted-yeas 27, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Bierce, Coates, Finck, Gardner, Godfrey, Groesbeck, Gunckel, Harsh, Johnston, Kenny, Lang, Marshall, Miles, Monroe, McLung, McVeigh, Neal, O'Connor, Perrill, Quinby, Ready, Roby, Sherrard, Sinnet, Sprague, Welsh and Whetstone-27.

So the resolution was adopted, and Messrs. Harsh, Whetstone and O'Connor appointed said committee.

On motion of Mr. Monroe,

The certificates of election of the several Senators were taken from the table, and referred to the committee on Privileges and Elections.

Mr. Monroe offered for adoption the following resolution, which was agreed to: Resolved, That the Governor's Message be now taken up, and that so much of the same as refers to Agriculture, to the Benevolent Institutions, to the Reform Farm and the As lum for Imbecile Youth, to the Penitentiary, to State Buildings, to the Library, to Finance, to the Militia, to the Public Works, to the Currency, to the Judiciary, and to Federal Relations, be referred to the several committees. having charge of those subjects respectively.

Mr. Miles offered for adoption a joint resolution relative to appointment of a committee to report the number and kind of public documents necessary to be printed in addition to those authorized by law, which was referred to the committee on Printing.

On motion of Mr. Neal, it was

Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to ascertain what further legislation, if any, is necessary to exempt from execution the property of the militia of Ohio mustered into the service of the United States; and it any be found necessary that they report a bill for that purpose.

Mr. Sprague offered for adoption the following joint resolution :

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate and on the part of the House be appointed to make arrangements, if any be necessary, for the inauguration of the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Ohio.

On the adoption of the resolution, the yeas and nays were ordered and resulted -yeas 28, nays none, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Bierce, Coates, Finck, Gardner, Godfrey, Groesbeck, Gunokel, Harsh, Johnston, Kelly, Kenny, Lang, Marshall, Miles, Monioe, McLung, McVeigh, Neal, O'Connor, Perrill, Quinby, Ready, Roby, Sherrard, Sinnet, Sprague, Welsh and Whetstone-28.

So the resolution was agreed to, and Messrs. Sprague, Sinnet and Marshall appointed said committee.

On motion of Mr. Monroe,

The report of the joint committee on rules was taken from the table; and the question being on the adoption of the same,

The yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted-yeas 29, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Bierce, Coates, Finck, Gardner, Godfrey, Groesbeck, Gunckel, Harsh, Johnston, Kelly, Kenny, Lang. Marshall, Miles. Monroe, McLung, McVeigh, Neal, O'Connor, Perill, Quinby, Ready, Roby, Robison, Sherrard, Sinnet, Sprague, Welsh and Whetstone-29.

So the report was adopted.

Leave being granted for the purpose, the following bill was introduced, and read the first time:

S. B. No. 1, By Mr. Sinnet-Affording relief to the families of persons in the military service of the United States or the State of Ohio.

Mr. Groesbeck introduced the following joint resolution:

S J. R No 15, Relative to the direct and income tax imposed by Congress upon the United States by an act approved August 5, 1861.

On motion of Mr. Finck,

Said resolution was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Kenny offered for adoption the following preamble and resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Monroe, were referred to the committee on Fiuance:

WHEREAS, The Governor of Ohio, in his late annual message, states that he received from the General Government one million seventy seven thousand six hundred dollars, refunded to the State of Ohio in part payment of expenses incurred by the State of Ohio on account of war expenditures; and further states that only $345,000 of this amount was paid into the treasury through the Auditor and Comptroller; and,

WBEREAS, The Auditor of State and Comptroller of the Treasury are the only officers known to the laws of Ohio through whom all moneys can be paid into the treasury; and,

WHEREAS, The Auditor of State and Comptroller of the Treasury are the only officers known to the laws of Ohio through whom all moneys can be paid out : Therefore,

Resolved, That the Governor is hereby requested to inform the Senate by what

authority the balance of $732,600 was not paid into the treasury according to law; and by what authority he deposited said amount of $732,600 in the hands of persons not known to the laws of Ohio as auditing financial officers; and, further, to inform the Senate to whom and to what persons said amount was paid out, and on what account, with the evidence or evidences of said payments; and, further, whether the said sum, or any part thereof, was paid on vouchers regularly audited by the Auditor and passed by the Comptroller.

Oa motion of Mr. Marshall, it was

Resolved, That the Auditor of State be requested to furnish this House with a statement of all lands sold by the several State land-offices for which deeds have not been made by the Governor, stating the name of each purchaser, the number of acres in each purchase, with the description and locality of the same. Mr. Sprague offered for adoption the following resolution:

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the Superintendent the State House is hereby directed to procure two American flags of suitable size to be displayed over the capitol: one to be placed on the flig-staff over the Senate Chamber; the other, over the Hall of Representatives: to be raised when the Houses are in session, and lowered during recess and adjournment; also, to be raised on all public days.

On the adoption of the resolution, the yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted -yeas 28, nays none, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Bierce, Coates, Finck, Gardner, Godfrey, Groesbeck, Gunckel, Harsh, Johnston, Kelly, Kenny, Lang, Marshall, Miles, Monroe, McLung, McVeigh, Neal, O'Connor, Perrill, Quinby, Ready, Roby, Sherrard, Sinnet, Sprague, Welsh and Whetstone-28.

So the resolution was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Miles,

The Senate adjourned.


D. W. RHODES, Clerk.


Prayer by the Rev. Joseph Trimble.

Mr. Kenny gave notice that on to morrow, or some subsequent day of the session, he would introduce a bill to amend sections 175, 183, 184 and 185 of the code of civil procedure.

Also a bill to prevent persons, having a preponderance of African blood, from immigrating into and settling within this State.

The following bills were introduced, and read the first time:

S. B. No. 2. By Mr. Gardner-To repeal certain acts therein named relating to gran ing licenses and regulating taverns.

S. B. No. 3, By Mr. Welsh-To fix the time for holding the terms of the court of common pleas in the several counties of the Eighth Judicial District of the State of Ohio.

S. B. No. 4, By Mr. Neal-To amend the twenty-eighth section of the act entitled an act of the jurisdiction and procedure before justices of the peace and of the duties of constables in civil cases.

On motion of Mr. Perrill,

Leave of absence for the morning was granted to the committee on Finance. On motion of Mr. Finck,

Sundry petitions, relative to changing the time of the commencement of the 2-SENATE JOUR.

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