Abbildungen der Seite

Treaty fhall laft. This fubfidy fhall commence from the day of the fignature of this Treaty, and it fhall be paid at the rate of twenty-one thousand two hundred and fixteen crowns banco, per annum, the crown being reckoned at fifty-three fols of Holland, or at four fhillings and nine-pence three farthings English money.

When the faid troops thall be fent back by his Britannick Majefty, from the day of their return into the Margraviate of Baden, till the expiration of the Treaty, the fubfidy fhall be continued upon the fame footing of twenty-one thoufand two hundred and fixteen crowns banco, per annum. The payment of this fubfidy fhall be regularly made without any deduction, and quarterly, in the town of Carlfruhe, into the military treafury of the Serene Margrave authorifed to receive it; and in cafe that, on either fide, it thould be judged expedient that the number of the corps of troops fhould exceed feven hundred and fifty-four, the fubfidy fhall be proportionably augmented, unlefs it shall be otherwife agreed upon. His Majefty fhall continue equally to this corps the pay and other emoluments, during the remainder of the month in which it fhall repafs the frontiers of the Margraviate of Baden, and arrive in the territories of his Serene Highnefs.

ART. VI. With regard to what relates to the pay and allowances, both ordinary and extraordinary, of the faid troops, during the time that they fhall be actually in the pay of Great Britain, it is agreed, that, as long as they fhall ferve in the Empire, they fhall enjoy the fame advantages and emoluments which His Majefty grants to his German troops, according to the effective eftablishment of the faid corps of troops at the time of their being delivered, which fhall be verified by a lift figned by the refpective minifters of the high contracting parties, which fhall have the fame force as if it were inferted word for word in the prefent treaty. During the time that they fhall be employed in the Low Countries, they fhall be treated in the above-mentioned respect, upon the footing of Dutch troops; it being understood that in both cafes, that is to fay, in that of the German pay, as well as in that of the Dutch, the allowance fhall not be inferior to what was granted in former wars to the Helian troops; and, if the nature of the war should require that thofe troops fhould ferve in different countries upon the continent of Europe from thofe above-mentioned, they fhall, in that cafe, be put in every respect on the fame footing with the moft favoured of His Majefty's auxiliary troops.

All thefe allowances for thofe troops fhall be paid into the military treafury of His Serene Highnefs, without any abatement or diminution, in order to be diftributed.

ART. VII. If it should unfortunately happen that fome companies of the corps above-mentioned, fhould, by any accidents, be wholly or partially ruined or destroyed, or that the pieces of artillery or other effects, with which it may be provided, fhall be taken by the enemy, His Majesty the King of Great Britain will pay the expences of the necellary recruits and remounting, as alfo the value of the faid field-pieces and effects, in order speedily to restore the artillery, regiments, and companies, to their former flate; and thofe recruits fhall likewife be put upon the lane footing as thofe of the troops furnished to His Majefty by His Serene Highnefs the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel, by the Treaty of fubfidy, figned at Caffel the roth of the month of April of the prefent year; fo that the corps of His Serene Highnefs the Margrave of Baden may be always preferved and fent back hereafter in as good a ftate as that in which it was delivered; and the recruits annually neceffary fhall be de. livered to the English commiffary, difciplined and completely equipped,

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at the place of their deftination, at the time which His Britannick Majefty fhall appoint.

ART. VIII. It will depend upon his Britannick Majefty to retain this corps of troops in his fervice all the time of the duration of this Treaty, to make use of them in any part of Europe where he may have occafion for them, provided it be not on board the fleet, from the time of its quitting the territories of the Serene Margrave; and when His Majefty the King of Great Britain fhall think proper to fend back the faid troops, he hall give three months previous notice to His Serene Highnefs, and fhall make him an allowance of a month's pay for their return, furnishing them alfo with the neceffary means of transport gratis. ART. IX. His Britannick Majesty promifes to attend, as much as poffible, to the fafety of the dominions and poffeffions of His Serene Highness, and to direct the military operations, as much as circumftances may permit, in fuch manner that the country of His Serene Highnefs may be covered and fpared as much as poffible. If, however, notwithstanding the precautions which shall be taken with that view, the country of His Serene Highnefs fhould be invaded by the enemy, on account of the present Treaty, His Britannick Majesty shall endeavour to procure to the country of His Highnefs the Margrave, an indemnification proportionable to the lofs occafioned by the invasion.

ART. X. The fick of the faid Baden corps fhall remain under the care of their own phyficians, furgeons, and other perfons appointed for that purpose, under the commannd of the colonel commanding the corps of troops, and every thing fhall be granted to them which His Majefty grants to his own troops.

ART. XI. All deferters from the faid Baden corps fhall be faithfully reftored, as often as they fhall be difcovered in places dependent upon His Britannick Majefty.

ART. XII. It is agreed, that, at the review to be made in Spring, at the beginning of a campaign, by the commiffary of His Britannick Majefty, the corps ought to be compleat, or the pay of those wanting to compleat fhall be retained; on the other hand, the pay of those who may be wanting from one fpring review to the next shall not be retained, but fhall be allowed without abatement, as if they were compleat; and, inftead of what was formerly paid for recruiting, in the room of one killed or three wounded, it is agreed, that each man furnished fhall be paid for, without diftinétion, at the rate of twelve crowns banco a head, under the exprefs condition, however, that what is here agreed on fhall only regard the recruiting, which is referred to in this article.

ART. XIII. All the expences of tranfport for the troops, as well for the men as for their effects, fhall be defrayed by His Britannick Majefty.

ART. XIV. This Treaty fhall be ratified by the high contracting parties, and the ratifications thereof fhall be exchanged as foon as poffible.

In witnefs whereof we the underfigned, authorized by full powers from His Majefty the King of Great Britain on one fide, and His Serene Highnefs the reigning Margrave of Baden on the other, have figned the present Treaty, and have thereto put the feals of

our arms.

Done at Carlfruhe, the 21ft day of September, in the year
Lord one thousand feven hundred and ninety three.

of our


Treaty between His Britannick Majefty and the Queen of Portugal. Signed at London, the 26th of September, 1793.

THEIR Britannick and Moft Faithful Majefties having refolved, in confideration of the prefent circumftances of Europe, to fubftantiate, by means of a Treaty adapted to thofe circumftances, their intimate and mutual confidence, as well as the friendship and good understanding which have been so happily established between their Auguft Predeceffors, and which they are always defirous more and more to confirm and improve, have named for that purpose, viz. His Britannick Majesty, the Moft Illuftrious and Moft Excellent Lord William Wyndham, Baron Grenville of Wotton, one of His Majefty's Moft Honourable Privy Council, and His Principal Secretary of State for the Department of Foreign Affairs; and Her Muft Faithful Majefty, the Moft Illuftrious and Moft Excellent Lord Don John D'Almeida de Mello Caftro, Member of the Council of Her Moft Faithful Majefty and Councellor in her Council of Finances, Knight of the Order of Chrift, Commander of Port Ancho, in the Order of St. James, and Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipotentiary from Her faid Moft Faithful Majefty to His Britannick Majefty; who, after having communicated to each other their refpective full powers, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ARTICLE I. Their Britannick and Most Faithful Majefties will employ their utmost attention to re-establish the public tranquillity upon folid and permanent foundations, and to maintain their common interests and the security of their refpective dominions. And Their Majesty's engage to act in concert, and in the most intimate confidence, for the accomplishment of thefe falutary ends.

ART. II. The perfons who have exercifed the powers of government in France, having declared against His Britannick Majesty an unjult and unprovoked war, Her Moft Faithful Majefty confirms the obli-. gation which Portugal has contra&ted by former Treaties for concurring in mutual defence, and engages to furnish, as an auxiliary power, and an ally of His Britannick Majefty, all the fuccours which fhall be compatible with her own fituation and fecurity, in order that they may act at the abfolute difpofal of His Britannick Majefty.

ART. III. In confequence of what is ftipulated in the preceding article, and in order that the British and Portuguefe veffels may be mutually protected during the prefent war, as well in their navigation as the ports of the two high contracting parties, their Britannick and Moft Faithful Majefties have ftipulated and agreed with each other, that their fquadrons and fhips of war fhall convoy, without diftinction, the trading veffels of the two nations, in the fame manner as is eftablifhed for thofe of their own nations, as far as circumftances may permit; and that both their ships of war and trading veffels fhall be adinitted and protected in their respective ports, and fhall be furnished with all the fuccours of which they may ftand in need, at the current prices of the country.

ART. IV. Her Moft Faithful Majefty promises to fut all her Ports against all the French fhips of war and privateers during all the time that France fhall be at war with His Britannick Majefty; Her Moft Faithful Majefty will prohibit her subjects from exporting from her faid ports for those of France, or from carrying to the ports of France, from any other port what foever, any military or naval ftores, or even corn, falted meat, or any other provifions; Her faid Majefty alfo engages not to give, nor to permit her fubjects to give, any protection whatfoever, either directly or indirectly, to the trade or property of the French, on the fea, or in the ports of France; and will take, in confequence of what is declared

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clared in this article, the moft fevere measures, in order to maintain the above mentioned prohibition in its full force.

ART. V. If either of the high contracting parties fhould be attacked, molefted or disturbed in any of their dominions, rights, poffeflions, or interefts, at any time or in any manner whatfoever, by fea or land, in confequence or in hatred of the articles or ftipulations contained in the prefent Treaty, or of the measures to be taken by the faid contracting parties in virtue of this Treaty, the other contracting party engages to aflift and to make common caufe, in the manner ftipulated by the aforefaid Articles.

ART. VI. Their Majefties, in confequence of the ftipulations of the Treaties now fubfifting between them, as well as of thofe contained in this Treaty, mutually engage, that in cafe, during the prefent war, either for the reafon above-mentioned, or for any other caufe, France fhould attack the dominions of Her Moft Faithful Majefty, or her fhips of war, or trading veffels, or fhould commit any hoftilities whatever, they will not only make common caufe in the faid war, and afford to each other all poffible fuccours, conformably to the faid Treaties, but alfo that, during the faid war, they will shut their ports to all French fhips whatsoever; and that they will not lay down their arms (unless by common confent) without having obtained a due fatisfaction, as well as reftitution of all the dominions, territories, iflands or poffeffions, which fhall have belonged to either power before the commencement of the war, and of which the enemy may have taken poffeffion during the courfe of hoftilities.

ART. VII. Their Britannick and moft Faithful Majefties engage to ratify the prefent Treaty, and the ratifications thereof fhall be exchanged in the space of fix weeks, to be computed from the day of the signature, or fooner, if it can be done.


In witnefs whereof, we, the undersigned Minifters Plenipotentiary of their Britannick and Moft Faithful Majefties, have figned the prefent Treaty, and have caused to be affixed thereto the feals of

our arms.

Done at London, the twenty-fixth day of September, one thousand feven hundred and ninety-three.


(L. S.)


Treaty between His Britannick Majefty and the Landgrave of Heffe Darmstadt. Signed at Langen Candel, the 5th day of October, 1793. E it known to thofe whom it may concern, that His Majefty the King of Great Britain, being defirous of taking into his fervice a corps of the troops of His Serene Highnefs the Landgrave of Heffe Darmitadt, to be employed in the prefent war againft France; and His Serene Highnefs being difpofed, as a proof of his attachment to his faid Majefty, to furnish a corps of his faid troops, His Britannick Majefty has thought proper to nominate, on his part, as his Minifter Plenipotentiary, Francis Earl of Yarmouth, one of his faid Majefties Moft Honourable Privy Council; and his Serene Highnefs has nominated, on his fide, for the fame purpose, Count Francis de Jenifon Walworth, Knight of Malta, Marthal of his Court, and Colonel of Cavalry, and George William Panzerbieter, his Councellor of the Chamber: who, being furnished with the neceffary full powers, have agreed to take for bafis of the prefent treaty, the treaty concluded at Caffel, the roth of April laft, between His Britannick Majefty and the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel; and the faid Plenipotentiaries have agreed, in confequence, upon the fol lowing Articles,


ARTICLE I. There fhall be therefore, in virtue of this treaty between His Majefty the King of Great Britain, and His Serene Highnefs the Landgrave of Heffe Darmstadt, their fucceffors and heirs, a ftrict Friendfhip, and a fincere, firm and conftant union, fo that the one shall con fider the interefts of the other as his own, and thall ftrive to promote them with good faith, as much as poffible, and mutually to prevent and remove all stisturbance and injury.

ART. II. His Majefty the King of Great Britain, defiring to fecure for his fervice in Europe a body of the troops of the Serene Landgrave, and His Serene Highnefs, withing for nothing more than to give the King real proofs of his ftrong attachment to his Majefty, engages, by virtue of this article, to keep in readiness for this purpose, during the fpace of three fucceffive years, reckoning from the day of the fignature of the present treaty, a body of three thousand men, including officers, according to the fpecification hereunto annexed. This corps fhall be completely equipped, furnished with tents, and all neceffary equipage, and fhall be put upon the beft poffible footing, and none shall be admitted into it but difciplined men, and capable of ferving immediately, acknowledged as fuch by the Commiffary of His Britannick Majefty. As in the prefent circumftances there is no time to be loft, the abovementioned Plenipotentiaries have agreed that the day of the fignature of the prefent treaty fhall be deemed to be alfo the period of the requifition for the march of the troops above mentioned; and that the faid troops fhall be in readiness to pafs in review before the Commiflary of His Britannick Majefty on the feventeenth of October of the prefent year, and to begin its march the following day for the place of its deftination. Thefe troops fhall not be feparated, unless the courfe of the war fhould require it, but fhall continue under the orders of their Heffian chief, under the command, however, of the general to whom his Britannick Majefty fhall entrust that of his whole army.

ART. III. Each battalion of infantry of this corps of troops fhall be provided with two field pieces, and the officers, cannoneers, and other men and equipage attached to them.

ART. IV. In order to defray the expences to which the Serene Landgrave fhall be put, by equipping the above mentioned corps of three thousand men, His Majefty the King of Great Britain promifes to pay to his Serene Highness, for each horfeman or dragoon, properly armed and mounted, eighty crowns banco, and for each foot foldier thirty crowns banco. This levy money fhall be paid in fifteen days after the fignature of the prefent Treaty.

ART. V. Befides what is ftipulated in the preceding article, His Majefty the King of Great Britain engages to caufe to be paid to the Serene Landgrave, an annual fubfidy during the three years that this Treaty fhall laft. This fubfidy fhall commence from the day of the signature of this Treaty, and it shall be paid at the rate of eighty four thousand three hundred and feventy-five crowns banco per annum, the crown being reckoned at fifty-three fols of Holland, or at four fhillings and nine pence three farthings English money.

When the faid troops fhall be fent back by His Britannick Majefty, from the day of their return into the territories of the Serene Landgrave, till the expiration of the Treaty, the fubfidy fhall be continued upon the fame footing of eighty-four thousand three hundred and feventy crowns banco per annum. The payment of this fubfidy fhall be regularly made without any deduction, and quarterly, in the town of Darmstadt, into the general treasury of the Serene Landgrave authorized to receive it; and in cafe that, on either fide, it fhould be judged expedient that the number of the corps of troops fhould exceed three thou


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