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position, many of them lose interest and give up their college career in disgust.

There are students poorly equipt for the work and unable to meet their conditions who find themselves far behind their classmates at the very start. Others may be altogether undesirable and upon finding their untoward tendencies curbed, either quit or are advised to quit. But such cases as these have for a long time had the special attention of their parents and professors and no attempt will here be made to offer suggestions concerning them.

There are, however, young men entering colleges and universities who are normal and of high type, who seem to have the right attitude toward the work they are beginning, whose presence in college is based upon their own decision that a college education is desirable, but who leave school convinced that in some way such education is not meeting their needs nor essential to the desired material success which inspires them. These men are neither scholars, nor the descendants of the traditional scholar, but are more apt to be dominated by that energetic and progressive spirit which inspired their forefathers to leave the old world for the new land of promise. Such young men believe in education but their restless ambition causes them to criticise adversely the length and indefinite characteristics of the four years course, while the activities and temporary successes of a certain few of their former comrades beckon to them to enter the seemingly more vigorous life on the outside. To many who resist this temptation and remain in college, the only practical remedy for this uncertainty seems to lie in the choice of technical, rather than cultural electives, the mistake of which choice is only fully realized when, after graduation, they see of how little practical value is their imperfect knowledge of such subjects in terms of dollars and cents.

To many young minds there is an indefiniteness in the promise of a college course which the college itself should recognize, analyze and dispel for them. The college will sacrifice nothing if it will present to such men a series of

logical and clearly defined steps connecting the college entrance day with tangible instances of material success achieved in later life. Why not clarify the atmosphere by providing something for such students which will enable them to discern their longed-for success at the close of their college or university training as well as the real contribution of even cultural training to that end.

There are also many young men whom this indefiniteness largely influences to give up any idea of a college career and to begin their life's work on the completion of their high school course. Four years of time, the growing expenses attached to college training, the successes attained by men known to them to be without such training, deter them from entering school. These young fellows are perfectly capable of making good and do make good in most instances. It is with some of these that college graduates are compared to their detriment in later years. Such men belong to the college, and no matter how great their success in future years, from the broad standpoint, it would probably have been greater with a college education.

Men of the above-mentioned normal type are ambitious to succeed, willing to work hard to that end, and are anxious to find a line for which they are particularly adapted but at the age of seventeen or eighteen they have not had experience enough to decide so momentous a question, nor are they in connection with facts enough to make such a decision if they had the ability to do so. In many cases their fathers are not helpful, either because they have not been markedly successful themselves or even if successful, they may be altogether of a different type from their sons whom they endeavor to counsel and fail to understand why the young men are not anxious and willing to follow in lines which have brought success to themselves. To enter college seems to be a step in the right direction for them altho both parents and students have a very indefinite idea as to just how it will all work out. There is a glamor about the professions which is felt by the unprofessional. Many statesmen and representatives of the people have

been lawyers; much of the learning of the community seems to center in the preachers and teachers; the successful physician occupies a position in the community that seems worthy of emulation. Perhaps our student may acquire a similar position of social and public prominence. With such an indefinite aim about the most definite of his aims the young man begins the new life.

There are also men entering college who "drop out" at some time during their college course, but who enter other lines of endeavor in which they make a marked success mainly because of the definite goal placed before them. Instances can be pointed where such men have become the trustees of their respective institutions. Too often these men are the ones to whom the college would prefer to point as exemplifying what the college has done for the young, rather than to those who have led their classes during the college course.

There is still another point well worth noting before leaving this phase of the subject. An idea is general among those who are not altogether familiar with modern colleges that a personal relationship is established, soon after the young man enters college, between himself and the president or members of the college faculty which will be very helpful and, perhaps, dominant among the beneficial results to be expected from the four college years. There is apt to be much disappointment because this personal relationship does not materialize and this often cumulates in the student's mind with other things in causing dissatisfaction and the formation of an unfavorable final impression of the benefits to be derived from a college education.

Such conditions as these do exist. They point to a situation that is wrong and one which the Amerian college is doing little to handle in an efficient and constructive manner. It is of unquestionable interest to colleges and universities to reduce the number of "quits" among their students, to increase the number of entrants, and to emphasize the practical and definite function of a college education as a factor in material success.

Finally, no one can question the fact that the American college and university is deeply interested in having a live, progressive, successful and loyal alumni. The ground may be laid for organizing these men in the interests of their Alma Mater while yet they are in college by manifesting a deep and practical interest in their future welfare and in later years by keeping them in touch with the student personalities and possibilities with purposeful intent. To clear away uncertainties, to supply the personal equation to organize constructively the college resources for the benefit of the student and for the progressive development of the college itself are the aims of the suggestions that follow. The plan is this:

Establishment of Bureau. High grade man at head who shall study:

I. Vocations:

A Collection of data with special attention to

2-Evolutionary processes.

3-Types of men succeeding.

4-Politics of organization.

5-Modes and points of entry.


C-Tabulate, classify and render available.

2. Student:

A-Collect facts.

B-Give confidence.

C-Study personality, supply personal relationship.

D-Appraise abilities.


F-Tactfully advise.

3. Parents:

A-Make acquaintance and gain confidence.

B-Learn plans and ideals for son.

C-Acquaint with findings of bureau and harmonize when possible such findings with plans and abilities of parents.

4. Alumni: Organize.

5. Outside interests:

Gain support and organize in detail.

There shall be established in connection with the executive offices of the college or university, a bureau, more or less ambitious in its organization according to the size of the work contemplated and the number of students to be observed. The head of the bureau shall be a man of the highest caliber, of ripe experience, sound judgment and of that peculiar type of personality required to do the work. The first task in hand should be to collect information concerning as many vocations as possible in which young men of ambition and education can find openings. The type of information should cover: First, the status of the vocation with reference to its finished condition, that is, how far is the business organized, how far intensively developed, how recently has the principal development taken place, how far admitting of further organization and development? Second. What processes of evolution are now going on in the business? Is there an ideal side to it that will make it attractive to a man of education? For instance, twenty years ago it was perfectly possible for a young man from the country to enter the milk business in the City of New York by borrowing a horse, renting a wagon and, perhaps, buying a can and dipper. By working hard and practising rigid economy there was no reason why, in the course of time, he might not add a number of wagons to his humble beginning. In fact, one of the larger milk businesses in New York had its origin in circumstances such as these. But for the past five years wonderful changes have been made in applying the principles of sanitation, scientific accounting and intensive organization to the milk industry. The ideals of the public health enthusiast have become a part of the business. These changes are rapidly affecting the status of the business. Men of a higher type are required. The mentality to appreciate sanitary improvements, the ability to install them and to administer

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