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The author of Ritchie's Human Physiolo-
gy2 expresses his conviction that "without an
anatomical and physiological basis, hygiene is
an intangible and an elusive subject". With
this rational viewpoint he has prepared an ex-
ceptionally meriorious book. The illustrations
are of special originality and serviceableness.
The subject matter is ably presented, partic-

Alcohol Tobacco Leaflets ularly in subjects requiring careful discrimi-

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The Relation of Juvenile Temperance Teaching
to National Progress*


Secretary of the Scientific Temperance Federation.


An Official Delegate of the United States to the Twelfth International Congress Against Alcoholism, London, July, 1909.

HE theme of the ideal state has long fascinated social and political philosophers. Plato saw it as the embodiment of wisdom, courage, unity, and justice. Cicero, St. Augustine, Sir Thomas Moore, Dante, and modern constitution makers have given us visions, according to their times and the progress of civilization, of the state wherein there shall be not merely a safe commerce and a common defence, but tranquility, order, and the highest welfare of the individual. The history of civilization is largely the history of the struggle to realize the "glories of the possible" in the individual and social life of the human race.

Beneath the strivings for material supremacy in this twentieth century we are beginning to comprehend the fact that nations are great, not by their wealth of mines, forests and acres, not by their commerce on land and sea, not by their armies and navies counted by regiments and battleships. Nations are great as their people are strong and skilled in mind and body, self-controlled, wise, just, and free in the opportunity to make of themselves the most possible within the limits of their "brother people's weal". The real progress of a nation is thus the action and reaction of the true life and purposes of its men and


Partly as a sequence of this conception of national life, has come in recent years a higher valuation of children. We hear much of the conservation of natural resources. But the care and training of the child is the con

*An address delivered at the Twelfth International Congress Against Alcoholism, London, July 18-24, 1909.

servation of national resources. "Each child", as Ex-President Roosevelt recently said, "represents a potential addition to the productive. capacity and enlightened citizenship of the nation. or if allowed to suffer, a potential addition to the destructive forces of the community."

Hence, if national progress is to be constant, the temperance training of the child must, therefore, receive our most profound attention. I need not remind this audience that across the ideals of high national life alcohol cuts a destructive way in its waste of physical vigor, achieving ability, beauty and strength of moral purpose. What, then, may the temperance training of the child reasonably be expected to contribute to national progress?


First of all, it tends to increase sobriety, and I say this realizing fully that sobriety is a means, not an end. But sobriety gives a man a fair chance to develop his powers to their utmost capacity. It eliminates certain obstacles from the way of progress, and therefore, in so far as the temperance education of the youth tends to increase sobriety, it is making possible increased soundness of national life.

Inquiries in Great Britain a few years ago showed that among the adults engaged in active temperance work, a very large proportion had temperance instruction in youth, that of the children taught in temperance societies, from 50 to 90 per cent. remained abstainers, and that with most of those who

did not remain abstainers, the effect of the teaching was to make them temperate and well-conducted members of society.

Similar instances might be cited from other nations. Yet not all temperance teaching will immediately yield visible results for good. It is of varying quantity and quality. In some cases it results in life-long abstinence, in others in greater sobriety than otherwise probable. Often it brings a more sympathetic understanding of the efforts to do away with the drink habit and traffic. It may show itself in responsiveness to the proper training of the second generation to habits of abstinence and in personal influence against the formation of any drink habit by youth. The fruit of education always ripens slowly. But into the life of the man and the woman who have been taught the truth about alcoholic drinks revealed by science, there comes an influence which, consciously or not, must modify and change, to a certain degree, their attitude toward the use of intoxicants.


Unquestionably this explains the rising level of sobriety observable in the nations where juvenile temperance instruction has gone on longest.

A marvelous change has taken place in the drink habit in the past century. In the United States, for instance, it is true that the consumption of drink has reached a high per capita mark, despite the vigorous temperance work including education though the gain is readily explainable when the conditions of population and the energy of the liquor traffic are understood. There is, nevertheless, a tremendous increase, universally admitted, in the sobriety of the people as a whole.

It may be truthfully said, for example, that the growing demands of business for sober or completely abstaining employees have followed education of youth in the facts showing how drink tends to impair efficiency and reliability. A generation of employers has been reared who not only have an idea as had their fathers that drink makes a poor workman, but, taught by the facts of science, they now know the definite risk and loss incurred by the employer in many kinds of business if his employees drink even moderately. The result is that there are said to be in the United State now nearly 2,000,000 positions which are closed to the man who drinks.

Twenty-three years ago, when the Federal temperance education law was pending in the United States Congress (in 1886), Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, the honored apostle of public

school scientific temperance instruction, voiced these prophetic words: "The day is surely coming in America when from the schoolhouses on the hill-tops and in the valleys all over the land will come the trained haters of alcohol to pour a whole Niagara of ballots upon the saloon." We believe we see the dawn of that day in America, that under the influence of juvenile temperance societies, of the Sunday Schools, and especially of the public schools, which are the only agency reaching at all generally all classes and conditions of pupils, "a new generation has grown up which has found that alcoholic drinks are not necessary to health or happiness" and "the evils of intemperance are (now) being fought intelligently because there has come to the polls a generation of voters who have been instructed systematically that alcohol is injurious."2


The citizen should be an asset of the nation, not a liability. Health, efficiency, wise economy, brotherliness, morality- these are qualifications which the twentieth century demands of patriotic sons and daughters of the nations in their struggle upward toward the realization of the ideal state.


The individual who does not burden his health with the perils of drink, other things being equal, can accomplish more for his generation, has more years to give to the production of a sound social order, and therefore, makes a larger return for the training given him in youth. For evidence of this we need not go beyond the well-established statistics of life insurance societies. There is woeful waste of social resources when the nation rears a man who, by the use of drink ignorantly shortens his period of productivty and usefulness. Nothing is more definitely settled than that the beverage use of alcohol tends to impair the efficiency which is essential to national progress in every direction. The conservation of social energy, therefore, demands that not only should every boy and girl be taught to train and use their abilities. They should be taught the truth about the habit forming power of alcohol and the dangers in its use. They should be taught to protect their health, strength, endurance, skill, and self-control from harmful agents like alcohol. Thus only will they be equal to the demands and opportunities of modern life. Thus will they be able to build surely the foundations of the nation's prosperity, to

meet commandingly the emergencies with which a constantly changing social and economic order confronts them. This is no mere dream. It is proven by the testimonies of hundreds of men in all pursuits of active life, who almost invariably name sobriety as one of the essentials of highest success. And investigation has repeatedly shown that the foundations of such sobriety in a very large majority of cases were laid in the training received in childhood or youth.


What modern civilization might be able to accomplish in the wise use of its productive powers if these were not wasted or diverted from their proper channels by the use of drink, we have never yet been able to prove on a large scale. But experience in limited sections, seems to indicate that if the money spent in drink, which enriches a few and returns to labor a relatively smaller amount than other products of toil, were expended instead for the necessities and simple luxuries of life, the wheels of industry would be speeded and would not as now lose power at every turn because of the stupendous waste of a nation's resources in drink and its attendant evils.

Hence, every boy who is trained to sobriety becomes doubly valuable to the nation since he is likely to become not only an efficient user and developer of national resources, but at the same time he lessens by so much a wasteful loss in national productivity.


But beyond personal and economic considerations lies the welfare of society. The world is astir with strivings toward social uplift. Kindliness and helpfulness were never more regnant than today. Yet on every hand we come upon the subtle influence of alcohol as it contributes to social misery and blunts the individual's sense of social responsibility so

that he is careless of the effects of his own actions upon his family, upon public order, or upon the welfare of the race.

On the other hand, the imposing position that the drink habit and traffic hold in our complex social order tend to dull the personal and civic conscience of many a man and woman to the stragetic importance of the efforts to minimize or remove the social ills engendered by the beverage use of alcohol and kindred evils.

Intelligence as to the truth about alcohol brings a comprehension of its practical relations to other social problems, and, therefore,

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"The power and courage and majesty of life trained to pursue unhampered by degenerating habits its own noble ends and the common weal."

normal moral sensibility which reacts unfavorably upon society. For this reason the individual who is early led to apprehend the perils of alcohol not only to himself but to those around him and to those who come after him will be less liable to yield to debasing temptations which are frequently concomitants of the use of alcohol, and which are part of the tribute to drink which the nations pay in the gold of priceless manhood.


Last to be developed in human evolution, the finer qualities of moral sensitiveness and the possibilities of spiritual development are

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