Wicca, Filosofía y Práctica de la Magia Luminosa

Llewellyn Publications, 8 de nov. de 2006 - 288 páginas

Este Libro provee una fundación sólida para la Wicca sin limitar al lector a una tradición o camino trazado. Abarcando tanto el lado espiritual como el práctico, esta guía para la hechicería es un texto elemental de las filosofías, culturas y creencias detrás de la religión sin perder el misterio que atrae a muchos estudiantes a su aprendizaje. Detallando prácticas como el dispersar la energía del cuerpo, levantamiento de energía, visualización y meditación, este libro ofrece ejercicios de técnicas esenciales antes de conducirlo a rituales más complicados y hechizos.

English Translation

This book provides a solid foundation for Wicca without limiting the reader to a tradition or path. Embracing both the spiritual and the practical side, this guide to witchcraft is an elementary text of the philosophies, cultures and beliefs behind religion without losing the mystery that draws many students to their learning. Detailing practices such as scattering energy from the body, lifting energy, visualization and meditation, this book offers essential techniques before leading you to more in-depth rituals and spells.

Sobre o autor (2006)

Thea Sabin is a professional editor and writer whose work has appeared in numerous publications, both pagan and non-pagan, and is a former newspaper astrology columnist. A practicing Wiccan since her teens, the author received formal training in a British Traditional path and currently she and her husband run a coven of the same tradition. Sabin holds a Masters Degree in Education, is an avid organic gardener and lover of Hong Kong gangster movies. She makes her home in the Pacific Northwest.

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