Reading Disentangled; Or, Classified Lessons in Spelling and Reading1864 - 186 páginas |
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Reading Disentangled; Or, Classified Lessons in Spelling and Reading Reading,Favell Lee Mortimer Visualização completa - 1864 |
Reading Disentangled; Or, Classified Lessons in Spelling and Reading Reading,Favell Lee Mortimer Visualização completa - 1873 |
Reading Disentangled; Or, Classified Lessons in Spelling and Reading Reading,Favell Lee Mortimer Visualização completa - 1873 |
Termos e frases comuns
Accented ADELAIDE STREET ba-by bas-ket bird bon-net bro-ken but-ter chick-ens cloth coloured Consonants before Syllables crib cru-el CUVIER din-ner duck ea-gle exercise the Pupil Fat hen following Words frock gar-den idle letters Jack lad-der LESSON Let the Child lin-net little letters LONDON long sounds mother Muff nest Nev-er picture pigs place Consonants po-ny psalm puss qui-et-ly quick-ly quince rab-bit read the following READING DISENTANGLED ro-sy sack sheets Shew short sound sick sis-ter Skip spec-ta-cles spelling STRAND sum-mer sup-per swim Syllables beginning ta-ble teach the diphthong teach the long teach words TEACHERS TEACHERS.-The child thou tip-pet Tom fed tree tu-lips un-der VARTY AND COX VARTY'S Vowels win-ter words ending Words in Lines
Passagens mais conhecidas
Página 178 - Sugar is made from the juice of a plant called the sugar-cane.