Oxford Anthology of the Brazilian Short StoryK. David Jackson Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Yale University Oxford University Press, USA, 3 de ago. de 2006 - 542 páginas The Oxford Anthology of the Brazilian Short Story contains a selection of short stories by the best-known authors in Brazilian literature from the late nineteenth century to the present. With few exceptions, these stories have appeared in English translation, although widely separated in time and often published in obscure journals. Here they are united in a coherent edition representing Brazil's modern, vibrant literature and culture. J.M. Machado de Assis, who first perfected the genre, wrote at least sixty stories considered to be masterpieces of world literature. Ten of his stories are included here, and are accompanied by strong and diverse representations of the contemporary story in Brazil, featuring nine stories by Clarice Lispector and seven by Joao Guimaraes Rosa. The remaining 34 authors include Mario de Andrade, Graciliano Ramos, Osman Lins, Dalton Trevisan, and other major names whose stories in translation exhibit profound artistry. The anthology is divided into four major periods, "Tropical Belle-Epoque," "Modernism," "Modernism at Mid-Century," and "Contemporary Views." There is a general introduction to Brazilian literary culture and introductions to each of the four sections, with descriptions of the authors and a general bibliography on Brazil and Brazilian literature in English. It includes stories of innovation (Mario de Andrade), psychological suspense (Graciliano Ramos), satire and perversion (Dalton Trevisan), altered realities and perceptions (Murilo Rubiao), repression and sexuality (Hilda Hilst, Autran Dourado), myth (Nelida Pinon), urban life (Lygia Fagundes Telles, Rubem Fonescal), the oral tale (Jorge Amado, Rachel de Queiroz) and other overarching themes and issues of Brazilian culture. The anthology concludes with a haunting story set in the opera theater in Manaus by one of Brazil's most recently successful writers, Milton Hatoum. |
World World Vast World of the Brazilian Short Story | 3 |
Part I | 33 |
Jose Verıssimo 18571916 | 101 |
Emılia Moncorva Bandeira de Mello | 111 |
Lima Barreto 18811922 | 127 |
Monteiro Lobato 18821948 | 135 |
Part II | 145 |
Anıbal Machado 18951964 | 164 |
Osman Lins 19241978 | 355 |
Dalton Trevisan b 1925 | 378 |
Paulo Emılio Salles Gomes 19161977 | 386 |
Carlos Drummond de Andrade 19021987 | 404 |
Nelida Pinon b 1936 | 414 |
Lygia Fagundes Telles b 1923 | 424 |
Murilo Rubiao 19161981 | 431 |
J J Veiga 19151999 | 437 |
Alcaˆntara Machado 19011935 | 181 |
Joao Alphonsus 19011944 | 189 |
Graciliano Ramos 18921953 | 202 |
Jorge Amado 19122001 | 215 |
Rachel de Queiroz 19102003 | 222 |
Marqueˆs Rebelo 19071973 | 228 |
Erico Verıssimo 19051975 | 234 |
Modernism at MidCentury 19451980 | 257 |
Joao Guimaraes Rosa 19081967 | 298 |
Autran Dourado b 1926 | 447 |
Orıgenes Lessa 19031986 | 456 |
Carlos Heitor Cony b 1926 | 468 |
Samuel Rawet 19291984 | 481 |
Victor Giudice 19341997 | 493 |
Caio Fernando Abreu 19481996 | 502 |
515 | |
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Termos e frases comuns
already appeared arms asked became become began beginning body Brazil Brazilian called close coming continued dark dead death didn’t don’t Dona door everything eyes face father fear feeling felt find first followed gave girl give hand happened happy head hear heard heart human Joa˜o kill knew laugh learned leave letter light literature living look matter morning mother mouth move nature never night once Originally passed play published remained rest returned seemed seen short side silence sleep smile someone sound stopped story street talk tell thing thought told took tree turned voice waiting walked watch whole wildcat woman women writing young
Referências a este livro
The Carnivalesque Defunto: Death and the Dead in Modern Brazilian Literature Robert Henry Moser Visualização parcial - 2008 |