Hansik, Korean Food and Drinks: Stories and Traditions

Hollym, 2020 - 138 páginas
"Traditional Korean cuisine, or hansik, is a source of great pride for Koreans and represents the relationship an entire nation has with the food that has sustained them. During the country's 5,000-year history, hansik transformed itself through turbulent times helping Koreans survive with numerous vegetables in the absence of other food sources, the rice and grain farmers cultivated after overcoming adverse weather conditions, and the abundant seafood that could be obtained on three sides of the peninsula. Each played an important role toward improving life for the Korean people. Based on vegetarian and fermented foods, hansik was conceived in the spirit and philosophy of Korean naturalism, which considered nature an integral part of us as human beings. In fact, hansik embraces the food philosophy of the Koreans' ancestors, who thought of food as part of nature, not just something to consume, and who only relied on plain, simple foods to sustain them. The natural quality of hansik plays a role in healing the human mind and body. In this current age of materialism, hansik gives us a sense of spiritual fulfillment while the phytonutrients that are abundant in vegetables can prevent chronic diseases through their antioxidants. Today, hansik is emerging as a new and unique alternative source of food for people around the world in terms of its effects on the environment and people's health. In addition to being labeled "healthy food," hansik not only has a long history behind it, but also a unique philosophy and wisdom to it. The current global food system, which is dominated by the West's meat-based diet and fast food, is neither sustainable nor healthy. As a result, campaigns for healthy food, such as the slow food and local food movements, are gaining traction around the world. These movements embody sustainability, environmental preservation, and healthiness; these are all elements already found in Korean cuisine. In order to share this philosophy with more people around the world, efforts are being made to create resources that teach about hansik. For those who want to learn more about hansik, this book describes the history, philosophy, and culture of Korean cuisine in an easy and fascinating way. Part 1 introduces the history, philosophy, characteristics, and table setting of hansik. Part 2 highlights the diversity and possibilities that hansik provides, describing the different types of hansik, K-food trends, and the current food culture in Korea, as well as how hansik is being greeted around the world. Part 3 clearly summarizes facts about Korean alcoholic drinks about which many people are unaware. Stories about hansik are intermittently interwoven in this part and add to readers' interest in this subject"--

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