The PK Zone: A Cross-cultural Review of Psychokinesis (PK)

iUniverse, 2003 - 404 páginas
This book is a tour de force, which leads the reader through the long and fascinating history of psychokinesis (PK), in all its facets. From the earliest days of levitating saints and rock throwing poltergeists to the latest research being done in the field, this book covers it all. With degrees in both medicine and parapsychology, Dr. Heath documents her material with painstaking care as she puts together all of the pieces of this intriguing puzzle.

Long a topic of myth and legend, the first section of the text explores stories of miraculous events from a variety cultures around the globe. The second portion of the book shifts from the anecdotal to what science has taught us. Over a hundred years of experimental research are reviewed to examine what has been learned from archival data, field investigations, and formal controlled studies of this controversial field. The third section of the book describes what performers have themselves said about their experiences, in their own words. Finally, the book considers what kinds of things appear to inhibit, or facilitate, performance. By the end, the reader is left with a comprehensive sense of all that is currently understood about PK.

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